
HS Computer Science

Hello high schoolers! I'm very glad you have decided to join my course on computer science. As we will soon find out, the study of computer science goes much further beyond than just programming. We will be exploring the impact of computing from a variety of perspectives, including:

I hope that in our time together, we can explore these wondrous devices that have such a big impact on our lives. And that we can make some really cool projects too!

Programming with Javascript (and p5.js)

Example Sketches

Course Materials

Learning Processing

Nature of Code

Nature of Code (Web book)

Student Websites Period 4B

Student Websites Period 5


Assignments may be turned in early to ask for feedback prior to the due date. Excused absences will permit additional days of extra time to turn things in, per the school's policy. However, some due dates may not be adjustable when nearing report card deadlines. Late work will recieve grade deductions.

Additional Software and Resources